Our forensic practitioners are frequently obliged to provide testimonies in legal forums such as civil
and criminal courts or labour forums.
The Shard provides expert assistance to clients in determining facts, problem areas and
produce remedial plans to eliminate areas of risk and exposure.
Our measures includes investigations, analysis and assessment of evidence governed by various laws, rules and regulations.
A well-executed Investigation can assist our clients in addressing the following:
Identifying fraud.
Cease fraud.
Identifying misconduct.
Identifying the person/s responsible for misconduct.
Identifying the person/s responsible for irregularities.
Money Laundering.
Determining the extent of potential liabilities or losses that might exist.
Assist in facilitate the recovery of losses.
Terrorist Financing.
Strengthening internal control weaknesses.
Dispute Advisory Services.
Anti- Money Laundering.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption.
Forensic Technology.
Fraud Risk Management.
Ethics Consulting.
Forensic in Audit.
Our team includes Forensic Accountants, Chartered Accountants, Digital Forensic Examiners, Database Specialists, Lawyers, Internal Auditors, Risk Specialist and Financial Crime Specialist among other skill sets.
Our experienced professionals provide value added services and solutions around the country